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In 1956, Alpha Phi became one of the first women’s fraternities to establish a Foundation. Today, the Alpha Phi Foundation is a thriving, well-known and respected philanthropic leader in the Greek community. The Foundation supports Alpha Phi’s leadership training and programming, awards need-based and merit-based scholarships, invests in the advancement of women’s heart health and preserves our rich and expansive heritage.

The annual Heart to Heart Grant awards $100,000 to medical professionals to better understand heart disease in women- specifically its symptoms, treatment, and prevention. Since it’s inception in 1993, the grant has funded over 30 cutting edge projects focused in the improvement of women’s cardiovascular care.


Chi chapter holds 1-2 philanthropic events a year along with many community service hours opportunities for our members. Last year, Chi chapter supported the Alpha Phi Foundation with our first annual Phi-Fair, raising over $2,000 for the foundation. We continue to host semesterly philanthropy events to continue and support the cause.

Chi Chapter Community Service Partners

Missoula County Elementary Schools

The American Red Cross 

Big Brother Big sister

Roxy Theater


Poverello Center

Branch Center

Humane Society 

Missoula Food Bank

UM Pantry


Order of Omega


Roxy Theater 



Community Churches
University of Montana Panhellenic 

University of Montana Football

College of Education and Wellness


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The women of Alpha Phi Chi Chapter are truly amazing. They are passionately committed to helping the University of Montana, the Missoula Community, and the people within. Our sisters dedicated over a thousand hours each semester to local people, projects, and organizations. 

Living in such a small and tight knit community; service holds a special place in our hearts at Chi chapter. Being able to work with amazing places like the Humane Society of Western Montana, the Missoula Food Bank, Neighborhood Ambassadors, and countless other organizations creates a culture of giving back to our community. The women of Chi Chapter hold service as one of our most important values. We love that we are capable of making a difference and impacting others around us. It holds all of us to a higher standard and we like up to that each day. 


Philanthropy is another value we strive to excel in. The women of Chi Chapter work hard to raise money for our philanthropy, women's heart health, as well as other local philanthropies. This year we have put on events such as Mac n' Phis, raising money and awareness for our philanthropy. 

Please feel free to contact me if you take interest in hearing about what the Alpha Phis are up to within the University of Montana, the Missoula Community, or have any service events for us to participate in!

Chloe Chilcott

University of Montana
1107 Gerald Ave

© 2023 by Alpha Phi Chi.  All rights reserved.

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